GPS For Stress Summit: Reframing Resilience, February 20-24, 2023

The New Science of Resilience, Radical Hope, and Applied Self-Reg

Join The MEHRIT Centre and presenters from around the globe this Winter as we Reframe Resilience in the early years, children and youth at this year's GPS for Stress Self-Reg Online Summit. 
Access, pricing & more information below...
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GPS for Stress


How would you define RESILIENCE ?
That is the million dollar question after the last couple of unprecedented years. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as "the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences", in short our ability to "bounce back". But that leaves many of us asking... At what cost? 

Time to REFRAME the Self-Control View of Resilience
Viewing resilience as a matter of will power or a blue-brain set of strategies misses the complexity of the dynamic system the children in our care are experiencing today. Join us here at The MEHRIT Centre for our annual GPS for Stress Summit February 20-24, 2023 where we will dive deeper into understanding resilience in relation to the 5 Self-Reg Practices: Reframe, Recognize, Reduce, Reflect and Restore. Gain new insights from researchers, leaders, educators, caregivers and more, who will share insights into various views on resilience, including:
  • Psychological Resilience
  • Social-Ecological Resilience
  • Biological Resilience
  • The Interbrain as the foundation on which the above rest
A pyramid with the interbrain as the foundation on which psychological, social-ecological and biological views of resilience rest
Who Is This Summit For?
Anyone who works with children and youth, be that ECEs, teachers, EAs, school leaders, OTs, clinicians, councilors and/or parents. We also welcome anyone who is interested in the Self-Reg view of Resilience personally or professionally.

SEEDS - Free

Seed icon
  • Access to Daily Videos for 24hrs

SUNRISE - $150 $110

Sunrise icon
  • 1-Month Access to Summit Videos
  • Closed Captions & Transcripts
  • LIVE Reframing Resilience Luminary with Stuart Shanker
  • Additional Content & Extended Video Cuts
  • Self-Reg 101 Video Series
  • Certificate of Participation

QUILT - $300 $225

Quilt icon
  • Forever Access to Summit Videos
  • All Seeds Content, plus...
  • Daily Full Circles with Stuart Shanker & Susan Hopkins
  • Reframing Resilience Toolkit
  • Summit Discussion Area Access
  • Early Access to Reframing Resilience Shanker Self-Reg Chronicle & Webinar
  • LIVE Reframing Resilience Q&A with Susan Hopkins
  • Certificate of Participation

Who We Are

The MEHRIT Centre is Dr. Stuart Shanker’s organization dedicated to understanding how we all respond to stress in the same way: we thrive when it is positive, we struggle when it is excessive. 

With Self-Reg we learn how to transform the dream of a Just Society into a reality, one mind at a time.
We are in the midst of a scientific paradigm-revolution in our understanding of the effects of excessive stress on behaviour, social-emotional development, intelligence, empathy, motivation, and character. The theoretical foundation of the Shanker Self-Reg® framework rests on these recent advances in neuroscience, physiology, psychology and clinical practice. The Shanker Method® explores, explains, and applies these new insights in a way that benefits every child, youth, adult and senior.

Self-Reg provides us not just with the why, but also with next steps on “the how”.

Meet Your Hosts


Executive Director, The MEHRIT Centre (SHE/HER)

Susan has over 20 years of experience in in all levels of education, including roles as teacher, vice-principal, curriculum developer, and inclusion coordinator. Through her work in Canada and internationally with The MEHRIT Centre, Susan’s leadership has advanced Shanker Self-Reg® learnings, amplifying Self-Reg initiatives that support children, adults and communities. Susan co-authored the Self-Reg Schools Handbook for Educators with Dr. Stuart Shanker.


Founder & Visionary, The MEHRIT Centre (HE/Him)

Stuart Shanker is the author of the Self-Reg trilogy: Calm, Alert and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation (Pearson 2012), Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life (Penguin 2016); Reframed: Self-Reg for a Just Society (UofT Press 2020). And with Susan Hopkins, Self-Reg Schools: A Handbook for Educators (Pearson 2019). In 2012 Stuart founded The MEHRIT Centre as a Self-Reg learning and information centre for parents, educators, the leaders of today and the leaders of tomorrow.
GPS for Stress Summit Schedule

February 20

Radical Hope and Applied Self-Reg

LIVE Reframing Resilience

with Dr. Stuart Shanker

Resilience is so much more than our ability to "bounce back" from adversity. In Stuart's opening luminary*, explore the Self-Reg view of Resilience and why one dimensional, self-control takes on resilience struggle to support our children and youth in today's environment. 
*This luminary is only available for Sunrise & Quilt paid attendees

The "Resilience Pyramid"

with Dr. Susan Hopkins

In the Self-Reg View of Resilience, the Interbrain is the foundation. Built atop the foundation is understandings of resilience from biological, social-ecological and psychological understandings.

More Talks to Be Announced!

with TBA

We will be releasing our full presenter list September 2022!


Reframing Stress

Coming Soon




Reframing Self-Control

Coming Soon




Reframing Resilience

Coming Soon




2023 and Me

The Self-Reg View of Reframing Resilience

with Dr. Susan Hopkins

Full circle your summit learning in this live Q&A* dialoguing session with Susan Hopkins on the final day of the Reframing Resilience summit. 
*This Q&A session is only available for Quilt paid attendees
A table breaking down the included features for each level of summit access. Reader friendly version at button below.




$150 $110


$300 $225