No Mind Is an Island Entire of Itself

Join Stuart Shanker as he takes you through the stages and shifts in scientific thinking that brought us to where we are today. Genetic determinism, evolutionary-based theories of development and most recently, the child-caregiver dyad. This revelation has had profound implications both for the practice of early childhood education and the development of the Self-Reg framework.
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Why register for this webinar?

Join Stuart Shanker as he takes you through the stages and shifts in scientific thinking that brought us to where we are today. Starting with genetic determinism and working through evolutionary-based theories of development right through to recent scientific findings that showed us that the fundamental unit of human development is not the child as an individual, but rather the child-caregiver dyad. This revelation had profound implications both for the practice of early childhood education and the development of the Self-Reg framework.

This webinar will help you understand:
  • The great empiricist problematic: How does a solitary mind make sense of reality, which led to genetic determinism?
  • The importance of pattern recognition, a developmental phenomenon that begins long before babies learn to talk and continues throughout childhood
  • The crucial role that child-caregiver interaction plays in language acquisition, learning to walk, and the development of the stress response system
  • The consequences of inadequate nurturing interaction (the Romanian orphanage studies)
  • Probabilistic Epigenesis: how caregiver-child interaction affects gene expression
  • The Evolved Developmental Niche (Darcia Narvaez, Notre Dame) 
  • The emergence of a new problematic: How does a child learn to restore?
Meet the instructor

Dr. Stuart Shanker

Stuart Shanker is the author of the Self-Reg trilogy: Calm, Alert, and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation (Pearson 2012), Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage With Life (Penguin 2016), Reframed: Self-Reg for a Just Society (UofT Press 2020); and with Susan Hopkins, Self-Reg Schools: A Handbook for Educators (Pearson 2019). In 2012, Stuart founded The MEHRIT Centre as a Self-Reg learning and information centre for parents, educators, the leaders of today, and the leaders of tomorrow.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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