Anxiety is an internal alarm that helps our minds and bodies prepare for danger. It’s meant to protect us but it can get in the way if it happens too often, is too intense and if it prevents us from living a fulfilling and joyful life.
When we consider the events of the past few years it seems reasonable to say that we have an anxiety epidemic. An epidemic is considered to be anything that has a widespread impact on the health and wellbeing of a large number of people. With approximately 20% of people living with anxiety it seems likely that we are experiencing an epidemic. The questions are why, and what can we do about it? Self-Reg is the answer!
In this webinar Dr. Stuart Shanker will:
• Define anxiety and talk about its prevalence in our society.
• Share examples of how anxiety presents in children, youth and the adults who care for them.
• Describe the limbic system including the limbic alarm, limbic brakes and limbic resonance.
• Show how anxiety impacts the body and the brain.
• Explain the importance of knowing about and understanding terms related to anxiety such as the interbrain, co-regulation and neuroception.
• Introduce the Five Step Self-Reg Framework and the Five Domains of stress.
• Share strategies for recognizing and reducing stress at every age of life.
Dr. Shanker will reframe anxiety through the self-reg lens and leave you feeling optimistic and hopeful for the future of children, youth and the adults in their lives.
Meet the Presenters:
Read more about Dr. Shanker and Dr. Hopkins
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